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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What is up with all the mud slinging?

Don't you just love the way this election is playing out? No? This is truly a mind boggling year, if you want to hear candidates talk about what they care about and what they intend to do to correct the serious problems facing Arizona and America. They just seem to be pointing out supposed (and usually wrong) flaws in the opponent and then skirting the issues. I am not and will not avoid the issues; I know exactly what needs to be done and pledge to get that accomplished!

We must stop wasteful spending and get Arizona back on her feet, I will promote and support responsible cuts to business taxes and regulations, allowing more people to start businesses (large and small) and more new corporations to join the Arizona Team! New jobs created, and new and returning individual taxpayers - will bring in more revenue than the "breaks" we gave to the businesses.

  • Arizona Agencies/Departments/Programs need to be audited carefully for waste and neccesity. Some may need to be closed, if their purpose and mission is duplicated by another agency.
  • Once AZ is living within our budget (as each of us must do at home), the excess revenues from this can be put into the private business sector to grow jobs that will hire all of our ex-state employees.
  • If an agency is using funding for excess administration, benefits, or remodelling jobs - this needs to be stopped, even if it is public school. In that case, the money needs to be carefully monitored until it is safely in the classroom where it belongs.

Illegal Immigration must be stopped. In order to stop abuse, death in the desert, rape and destruction of property and even murders, we need to stop the illegals (of all nationalities) who are crossing our southern AZ border. I will work tirelessly to see that the following (and more) is put into play:

  • The fence must be completed and guarded by sufficient Border Patrol and National Guard if needed. They need to have the authority to detain, deport and use their weapons if needed for their own safety and to be effective in their task.
  • If illegals were all stopped at the border, check stations would become obselete and could be cleaned up and moved out and allow for the return of freedom and privacy for AZ citizens.
  • Key to success of this is to STOP providing free education, medical, food and shelter to these poor folks that make it across the border. Cut them off of the free handouts and let them go back home, if that works better for them - or let them get a job and work for what they recieve, and pay their medical bills, a little every month, like American Citizens do.
  • Require that parents pay taxes and have proof of such before you enroll kids in public school. Require verified citizenship or work visa (at least) papers before Medicaid and Foodstamps are given out also.
  • Hospitals stop bleeding or other life threatening conditions and when stable, send them home-to Mexico if that is where their "home" is, do not treat just anything in the emergency room.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Poetry: I almost forgot how much I loved writing poems!

This Country of Great and United States
Of which Arizona is one

Has brought hearts and souls from lands afar
Seeking freedom, hard fought for and Won!

Arizona has drawn the adventurous type:
The miners, the cowboys, the brave!

Lifted on shoulders of these great ones passed,
We must stand ready to match what they gave.

Our devotion, dedication and love for this state
Plus an allegiance to the Red, White and Blue

Will sustain us as we face tough choices ahead;
Working tirelessly till Arizona is shiny and new.

Then, when it’s scrubbed clean and safe and sound
In the majestic sunrise we’ll all stand
And we will move forward together restoring- Honor, Dignity and Glory, Under God to the
Brightest and Most Beautiful Star in the Land.

Dedicated to the citizens of this Great State of Arizona, I honor you and thank you for your kind support! Peggy Judd

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Endorsements: Part of this game I haven't quite gotten the hang of.
However there are some that I am really proud of:
Arizona Farm Bureau
The Arizona Police Association
Tucson TEA Party Patriots
Senator Russell Pearce says that David Stevens and Peggy Judd are great Americans who we desperatly need in the House.
Douglas TEA Party
Arizona Citizens Defense League
Home Builders Association of Central Arizona
Arizona Certified Public Accountants

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Peggy Judd for Arizona House in LD 25

"What I CARE About"

Children: The current spending by the United States Government is passing debt on to our children and grandchildren that they will never be able to repay AND Our public schools are not providing a challenging, rewarding or effective education as they struggle to juggle an unheard of number of children of illegals on their limited tax dollars (none coming from the illegal immigrant parents).

Access: to Medical Care, Education and Food needs to be provided to all deserving individuals with loving concern and fairness, especially in this difficult time and it needs to be curtailed to patrons who are abusing the system. Drug testing needs to be implemented in the case of welfare recipients and illegal immigrants should not be receiving any form of free assistance, except a ride back across the border, deep into Mexico.

Reject Reform: Health care Reform is bad news, and will break the state and ruin the health care industry. Don't ask me how because no-one can truly give you the answer (we "had to pass it to find out what was in it!") It is very bad timing for Immigration Reform with the borders so open and the gangs and drug cartels running rampant in our streets. First - Close the borders, Second - Enforce the law and remove ALL illegals who do not have proper papers to be here, and Third - Streamline the process by which Immigrants can come to Arizona legally to work or to shop and play (but make sure this process includes a check in via thumbprint or other means at the end of their allotted time). For instance, If a bus of properly documented visitors come from Mexico, through a border checkpoint, they should have to register each of the passengers and upon return to Mexico, the bus would need to contain each and every passenger who entered the country on its watch. (When I take a tour bus to a destination - I always return home.) We should expect no less from these tour companies.

Environment and Energy: This is a beautiful state, country and world! I remember years ago when people were littering the highways, public service announcements, with a crying Indian chief, cleared up the problem. We know what is best for our own property, we want to take care of our own and will as long as we have the freedom to do so. Property rights are key and over-regulation even for businesses will not protect our environment. People will always be first in environment issues, because we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Maybe a reminder is necessary but not another regulation, PLEASE!And man made global warming is a hoax, devised to make a lot of money for some key players in the farce. The world is not going to overheat for another 10 million years and when in does, it will not be our fault. I will fight for the use of fossil fuels from America, which are abundant and will put more of us to work. While it is good to look into alternatives; huge investments in getting them on the grid are just unreasonable in these tough economic times.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I was asked by Tucson Metropolitan Chamber or Commerce this week: What bills are you prepared to introduce if elected?

1) Education Kiosks in DES offices, with course material that must be passed: outlining proper, personal healthcare, first aid, when doctor/hospital visits are appropriate and when they are not. Along with a commitment by the applicant to conserve and use wisely the ACCCHS funds, understanding that they are not unlimited and they are temporary. ACCCHS application will not be accepted without the certificate printed on completion of this course.

2) Education Kiosks in DES offices, with course material that must be passed: Teaching proper nutrition storage and use of foods, including leftovers and not letting food spoil or go to waste. Along with this an education course on how to choose foods that are good and easy to prepare, without having to buy the expensive prepared dinners. And requiring a commitment by the applicant to conserve and use wisely the Foodstamp funds, understanding that they will not be buying candy, soda’s, and expensive specialty or prepared foods. They will be taught food stamp funds are not unlimited and they are temporary. Food assistance application will not be accepted without the certificate printed on completion of this course.

3) Implement a program to sell savings bonds for Arizona, to benefit a specific program or the state in general.

4) A measure to stop illegals from being able to apply for and receive welfare money for medical, housing and food.

5) An act to appeal to FEMA to compare the new FEMA computer generated maps to the original soil conservation survey maps and correct the gross imperfections and errors that were made during the computer generation of computer data flood zone maps throughout Arizona.

6) An appeal to allow property owners to be heard, and have enacted a protection against property valuations and subsequently taxes being raised to impractical levels based on land fraud in their area rather than reliable and prudent sales data.

7) A requirement for schools to balance the number of English Language learners in all classrooms equally with English speaking students. Clarification: In an effort not to segregate, in schools locally, I have witnessed that there will be a few rooms with almost no Spanish speaking students and then a room or two that are all Spanish speaking except for a few unfortunate (token) English speakers. This is a tragedy for those few students for obvious reasons.

8) Require the Federal Govt. reduce the number of border patrol on the streets and highways, 50 to 100 miles from the border and put them on the border fence… stationed 50 to 100 feet apart. A constant patrol on the border fence, 24 hours a day will stop the crossings and there will be little need for the BP on the interior.

Of course there are many more... ran out of room on the page.
I want to introduce bills that YOU need. Please share any ideas with me: Call 520 507-1735
or email me:

Almost Primary Election Day!

I don't have a Primary, you will see... Please select 2 and there are only 2: David Stevens and Myself. But I would like it if you voted for me. The votes will count and the numbers will show up! This is a very important Primary in CD 8 and the state as a whole. I am having a very hard time deciding who to vote for in a few of the Republican Races on Tuesday, but some are easy... Corporation Commission: Peirce and Burns
Governor: Jan Brewer (Buz is still on the Ballot)
Senate - LD 25: Gail Griffin (Just in case Craig is still showing up)
House - LD 25: David Stevens and Peggy Judd
Attorney General: Tom Horne
I reserve the right to change my mind, before Tuesday... but today:
CD 8 - House: Jonathan Paton
CD 8 - Senate: JD Hayworth
I know some of you want to strangle me for choosing those two, but I have a list of positives and negatives of all candidates in both of these races and this is the result. I know we have to have conservatives in Washington. I think these are our best choices, But let the best man win of course.
Cochise County - Clerk of the Superior Court: Mary Ellen Dunlap
Superior Court Judge: Roger Contreras

May God Bless our nation and these people we elect!
They need to win on November 2 and work to protect our rights and save our country.
It can be done and I am honored to be part of the solution!
Each of you, as you go to the polls will be part of the solution too!
Thanks for your efforts and your votes!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Border Tea Party Rally - Palominas AZ 15 Aug 2010

These people are Champions of Liberty, proud US Citizens, friends, working to preserve our freedoms with all they can muster. From the mouth of a child, "...I am 7 almost 8. Everyone, democrats and republicans, can see this fence right here is not big enough."
Make sure you click on "older post" below to see more and read about this weekend.

Updates and Photo Ops

Have had a full weekends. Beginning with meeting the governor on Friday morning. A Friday afternoon Meet and Greet with R & D Candidates from all over the State hosted by Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Saturday I met with voters who are doing their job in Douglas by coming to the Cowbelles Building to listen to JD Hayworth and ask hard questions. I learned a lot and met some wonderful people... then on to Rio Rico for a nice, patio reception and speaking opportunity with over 100 guests and many candidates, re-acquaintances with some of the great folks there and many new acquaintances. This was at the beautiful Esplendor Hotel Resort. Sunday a Border Rally Tea Party was held on a ranch right on the Border. It was a lovely, but hot day, with a little over 1000 by some estimates in attendance, many news crews and Russell Pierce, AZ Senator, Author of the SB-1070 Law, who has taken the most ridicule and still believes. We all still believe in it. It is an important tool for AZ law enforcement and Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Sheriff Larry Dever spoke also to ensure us their concern for our safety and their support for this law and legislation like it to help make Arizona Stronger and Safer from Invasion. The message is clear. The border fence is not sufficient the Border Patrol are not working in the most effective manner and THERE WILL BE NO AMNESTY! This is a touchy subject with me sorry...but I really love Arizona and all of its citizens, I do look forward to serving you and I promise to be loyal and honest and fight to return to the constitution and fight for the freedom you deserve. Photos: Even though Sheriff Joe and Senator Pierce were present, I am loyal to this Cochise County Sheriff, he is working as hard as Governor Brewer to defend our border. Introducing our new Cochise County TEA Party people (loyal to them too) Wanda and Katie and last is my warm reception from Governor Brewer.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Civil Arizona Asked Me For Comments About State Spending and Jobs

Here are my Answers to

From Peggy Judd (Candidate for House LD 25)

(1) The level of state spending:
Spending increased proportionately with the explosive growth in Arizona in 2005 and 2006 however this growth has not only slowed, but Arizona's economy has taken a nose dive. We cannot allow this to go on and the current legislature worked very hard to cut the budget, but it wasn't enough. We will not be able to afford this budget, but will have to continue to turn down or shut off the faucets in many areas of state spending. I know it has been difficult on many government employees having mandatory furlough and cuts in benefits, but it is better in the long run to keep you jobs rather than to lose jobs as so many in the private sector have. Some of our rest areas, parks and recreation areas may need to remain closed and other items may fall into disrepair, but only temporarily we hope, while the economy truly recovers. Not because we pumped a lot of money in that we don't have, but because we provided funding to the businesses and organizations in this state in a manner that will encourage and grow the private industry; who, in turn, will pay taxes and spend money in the state and then fill the state coffers.

(2) The level of state revenues:
I know the state is still overspending and revenues raised by recent legislation, IE Proposition 100, will not begin to cover what it needed. I have one suggestion, that was made by a wise and thoughtful constituent and that is to initiate a Savings Bond Program. I will not ever vote to increase taxes and will work to lower corporate taxes to encourage business growth and new business, but I would like to see a voluntary program, such as Savings Bonds come into play. Arizona would not only get needed revenues, but participation in this program will instill a sense of renewed pride and ownership in the citizens. Hopefully, upon maturation, at least a small return on their investment will also be realized.

(3) Stimulating job growth:
There are too many government jobs and there is not enough private sector money coming in to pay for them. The government regulations and controls need to be lessened and then the need for additional clerks and assistants can be eliminated. I would suggest only by attrition, but eliminating the position as someone leaves and not rehiring is a non-evasive practice and just takes planning. This is opposite of job growth, I know, but it is one measure that allows for less spending to support the government. Therefore it becomes a way to pass savings to businesses as well as save them costs required for reporting, filing and regulating fees required to meet out of control government requirements.
Reducing business expenses in this way, as well as eliminating personal property taxes for business will give business more money to provide jobs. Giving them tax refunds and incentives when meeting prescribed new growth and increased hiring requirements, will provide more jobs in the private business sector. Corporations need to receive tax incentives and other advantages for moving to Arizona and Arizona needs to set a corporate tax rate that will be competitive with other western states, so we can attract these companies. We also cannot neglect our education system and our community infrastructure as well as local medical facilities. We cannot expect lower taxes, beautiful weather and sunsets alone to bring new businesses, industry and therefore jobs into our state.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Governor Brewer is such a wonderful leader, she has led the way for the State Legislature to produce a landmark bill and signed it into law and now Arizona can provide help to the Federal Border Patrol Agents in a meaningful and productive way! Hooray!
President Obama, however is leading out in a movement and lawsuit to negate the problem with our borders and also to kill our law! What would possess anyone to tell someone (especially a whole state) that you have no value to me as people, we do not care if you have extra crime, drug traffic and an overburdened economy, we only care that we do not upset the other countries of the world. "Bad, Bad - lay down Arizona!" Please! Mr. President, leave us alone.
About guns: I am in support of the 2nd amendment and do not believe in registering guns any more than I believe in registering shovels or claw hammers... both can make a pretty good weapon in the right situation.
The government today is in a position and is beginning to dole out a "series of abuses" and we need to be prepared to defend our country.... today I am going to begin to learn to shoot some of the guns we have in our home. I have used a lot of bb guns, rubber band and water guns... oh yes - cap guns too.
Don't get me wrong... I am a talker, negotiator and friendly persuader - so I won't be leading any rebellion...but I will also not be caught with no real line of defense, because I neglected to learn to use the tools.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hum, Hum, Hum, Oh beautiful for spacious skies... Oh hello!

I have a challenge for each of you - write what America means to you in 100 words or less.
It helped me to focus on what was important.

Warning: Our Country is so rich and vast, that this is not as easy as it sounds.

I am proud to be an American! The Founding Fathers have given me faith to expect miracles and a footing that is sound. Freedom of religion has allowed my friends (of all faiths) and myself the power and direction from God to conduct our lives in a way where true joy and freedom is possible. Our remarkable military men and women have protected FREEDOM throughout the world and I owe them a debt, I could never repay, except by my own faith, prayers and labor to preserve this United States of America!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting to Know Your Candidates

Getting to Know Your Candidates
There is no substitute for a one on one conversation, a handshake, a personalized response to your own questions. I have benefited from my many long days on the campaign trail, because I have been privileged to meet personally with Arizona's fine slate of candidates for public office. You can attend a variety of meetings that are scheduled around the state, or set up your own meeting. A gathering at your own home will warrant a visit by candidates for local, state and even national office. I can arrange to have them come; we just need a place, a date and a time. Of course it is not possible for everyone to attend, every time. But if you give a few weeks notice, you will be a host to a number of amazing people dedicated to service to our country and thrilled to have the opportunity to meet you, your family and friends. I am quite sure I will not be able to meet all 200,000 people in my district, but I want you to know some personal information about me. My background and where my convictions and determination to serve my state and country are founded. Come with me on a journey that started on a small family farm in Willcox, AZ.I spent the first few days of my life in Benson, having been born in the Benson hospital, but was raised in Willcox, the oldest of 6 children. My growing family lived in a "wonderful little cottage", 2BR, 1BA with cinder block walls in a wonderland. There was a large orchard in front and farm fields all around, a big barn to explore and escape the sun, many tractors to climb on and ditches to swim in and dirt. What more could I ask for? Oh, yes! We also had the privilege of hoeing weed and thinning cotton for hours every day, as soon as we were old enough (about 8). My parents were kind and loving, had lots of time to play with us and took us to church every Sunday. We also camped and went on trips to visit relatives in the city. I enjoyed my grandparent’s house in Willcox the best though, with their chickens, pigs, goats and horses to play with and tend. My grandparents moved to Willcox from Phoenix, having both been raised in the West Valley, in families richly blessed with gifts of self-sufficiency and thrift, by necessity but also by choice. My grandfather, Johnny Hidalgo was raised on an Angora Goat Ranch and my Dear Ole Grandpa, Juan Hidalgo continued to raise these goats until my teenage years. This was a Basque industry and part of my heritage. My great-grandmother Apolonia Hidalgo Pina had strong political ties and the Hidalgos, with small children in tow, would attend political functions and support their candidates by providing a trailer load of watermelons from the family garden.While I was growing up, my Grandpa Hidalgo worked tirelessly to help our state and communities grow and prosper. He served on many state boards and commissions and initiated a powerful, yet unsuccessful in the end, movement to divide the very large, Cochise County into a North and South County, so we would not be 2 hours from our County Seat of Bisbee and representation for our local citizens would be more equalized. My father, Earl Moser was also very active in the farming industry, and served on the AZ Farm Bureau Board, even making trips to Washington to ensure "parody" for farmers. He remains active today, supporting the candidates and political views that will best protect our way of life and adhere to the Constitution and basic founding principles on which he was raised. I work as Secretary/Receptionist at our family Real Estate Company and our office is open to political views and discussion 24/7. It turns into campaign headquarters right around election time, every two years.Nearly 30 years ago, Jimmy Judd, Cochise County Sherriff, became my uncle, when I married his nephew, Kit. This has further developed in me a respect for law and the hard work and challenges that are faced by an elected official. He was a brilliant man, who served, with love and dedication, all of the people he "looked after". I am motivated and inspired by my ancestors, but more than that, I was taught to respect and love the life, liberty and freedom that we are so blessed to have in the U.S.A. I will use experience from my many civic and leadership rolls to represent our district well in the State Capitol. My heart and soul are in this. My world is beginning to revolve around each of you, and I love it. Please let me know what you think about the major issues of today. I will touch on one of these, before I go.I am very concerned about making the border fence into a formidable barrier, with manpower as well as structural reinforcements and technology. My preference is to deport the illegals that are bleeding our financial system in Arizona back to Mexico and let them have a chance to come to the United States legally. I want them to have the freedoms I enjoy, but don't feel it is in their best interest to be allowed to enjoy these freedoms illegally. It is definitely hurting the State of Arizona as the numbers of illegals grow and the obligations to provide for them through our welfare system grows with them. As you see, I have reason to and do love with the Hispanic culture, by way of my ancestors as well as my very good friends, the Felgueres's who own a travel agency in Mexico City. I also appreciate the fact that where I live, was once part of the great empire of Mexico. However this does not mean we can continue to allow, even good people, to enter in such great numbers that our own economy is destroyed. I will work for a solution to provide legal entry for more people and to deport or "transfer homeward" those who deserve a second chance to become free the right way.

Monday, May 31, 2010

What I Want to Accomplish in the Government - Why and How

Stop Illegal Immigration because it is draining our economy, through the misuse of public funds to feed, house, educate, treat medically, and incarcerate criminals who are infiltrating our borders at an alarming rate. LD #25 includes the majority of the Southern Border of Arizona. We have to build a fence that is effective enough to deter crossing. Much of the illegal crossing is happening on government protected sanctuary land/either reservations, environmentally or military protected, IE the Military Base. We have to allow the Border Patrol access to these areas, where and when it is deemed necessary to do their job. I have recently attended the Cochise/Graham Cattle Growers Annual Meeting and have learned, from the experts that the border patrol needs to be on the border. Yes, posted and patrolling the actual border, their checkpoints and operations that are up to 200 miles north of the border, could be eliminated, as crossing at the border could be eliminated if all of the border fence was being monitored at all times. I am in full support of enforcing a solid patrol of the border.

Illegals cannot cross undetected if there is always someone there to "detect" them!

The new SB-1070 will help as it will allow other law enforcement agencies the ability to detain and transport the illegals who have committed a crime and show reasonable signs of suspicion. The PB agents in my community often tell of their limitations on who and where they can pursue known illegals. It is hard to sit back and watch so many agents, just sitting back and not handling the immigration problem that we have in Arizona. They claim their hands are tied, with much frustration and I believe them. We need to resolve this problem and allow the PB to use the force they need to stop this flow of illegals, while also focusing on protecting these agents and the innocent citizens of the United States and their businesses (Farms and Ranches mainly).

We do not need to continue to protect the illegals that are sneaking across the border "illegally".

We do need to be careful to continue to welcome any and all immigrants who come to America wishing to embrace our culture and learn English and become valuable members of society.

Yes, there is work for them, and free english classes and they are welcome. A guest worker program for agriculture was an incredible asset in the past, and it would be easier than ever to manage and organize with the state of the art technology we have today. The implementation of a program that would allow day workers to come to farming communities to work in the fields legally is one of my goals. I believe in being good neighbors with Mexico by working with them, through a controlled border with clear points of entry, and I feel a great need to stop the damage and chaos of drug cartels and terrorist groups sneaking in under the disguise of innocent immigrants.

I pledge to do my best to support measures that will stop wasteful spending. There has been a decade of increased spending in Arizona. This was largely due to the housing boom and the added revenue to Arizona's blooming economic period in the past decade. For the time being - this period is over! We must go back to the "pre-boom" mentality and make hard decisions that will allow us to spend money more responsibly in this state. Too much money is being spent on things that are not necessary and do not improve the quality of life. I have lived frugally all of my life and recognize in my gut what it right and wrong when it comes to spending money. I am also a quick study, and intend to internalize and extrapolate all the data and knowledge I can to help me to encourage and attain a more responsible plan for spending our limited finances in this state.

We need to also attract new business and enhance the business community that we have by creating a reasonable amount of incentives and tax cuts that will cause them to see Arizona as a place where they can make a new start, rather than where they took their "last stand". The revitalization of the economy is needed and is only going to happen if there are new businesses and existing businesses stay and increase their production and scope of business. We must provide an environment that will allow this increase, even if we lose revenue initially, we will gain much more by the jobs provided and people who will again become taxpayers and begin to spend their money again in Arizona. An additional problem that will ease the burden on businesses needs to be addressed and that is there are too many government regulations. We have a nearly unlimited landscape, that can lend itself to many uses without infringing on property rights and human rights of others in the state. We need to investigate the possibilities of using the vastness of our resources and open spaces. We have been too afraid of small special interest groups, who have limited agendas (like saving a small native fish) and we need to get beyond that and take care of the people of the United States of America first. Not giving them what they need but providing an environment where they can flourish and grow on their own.

I am an everyday housewife with lots of talents and abilities, some largely unused. I am not your average politician by any means. I know the challenges faced by small businesses and understand their importance. I am not a politician, but am able to influence people and make friends easily. I love small and rural America, the Mom and Pop Stores in small towns and in cities as well. I love people and understand their needs and the needs of the people are identical to the needs of the small business community. They need to have freedom to make choices and use their resources the way they choose, to develop their lives and their businesses in the way they see fit. If they are giving the freedom to run their business in that way, then succeed or fail, they will always be strong enough to improve, pick themselves up and will succeed in the long run.

I have been owner of a small Autoshop business and have worked one-on-one with clients, decorating wedding cakes and drawing house plans for years. I know the satisfaction that it is to create, prepare a good or service and satisfy each customer. I know that small business owners do what they do, because they love it and would not need to be paid, if it weren't for providing for their own needs and the needs of their families and employees. I also know that, with the lack of large industry in our district the small business owners are the lifeblood of our district and many others throughout Arizona. I will pledge my support to free education programs, through local colleges, etc. and to creating an atmosphere where small business owners can improve their business through incentive programs and protection from over regulation and over taxation.

I am severely concerned that there is overspending on all levels of government. There are ways to handle the expensive programs and facilities the state owns. There have been offers from business people to take over some programs, so they become privately run and more efficient with income going to the state rather than losses. I support this as it will create jobs, without the state being responsible for benefits and will provide return on Arizona's investment as well.

I also feel that there are positions in some programs where an excess amount of money is being spent to administrative positions. Public schools are a good example.

I believe the number one problem in spending is abuses of the state services for medical treatment, not only treating illegal immigrants, but an overuse and unnecessary use of funds by citizens who are on state programs. There needs to be a program of accountability set up, whether it be co-pays, recording and reporting of abuses (with appropriate action taken against violators), or people being removed from the program for excess violations. I do know that a strong course of action will help, but before that is implemented we need to educated the citizens who use the public health care system as to appropriate home medical treatment, so that people are not taking advantage of this program for a minor medical treatment, such as a stubbed toe or the sniffles.

I welcome all comments and suggestions. Many of the ideas presented here, that I have gladly made my own, were suggested by my constituents and I will listen and implement your needs and ideas into my work at the Capitol Building. This is your state as well as mine and I believe in a government by the people and of the people. I am doing this for you, so please let me know what you think.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peggy Judd Running for AZ House of Representatives

I am Peggy Judd and so honored to have made it through the Primary Election and have a place on the November 2nd ballot. I pledge myself to work hard and be honest in all I do as I represent the citizens of Legistlative District 25 in the great State of Arizona in the Arizona House of Representative. I will listen and take your needs and concerns to heart as I serve each of you and all members of the State of Arizona to fight big government and preserve our freedoms and liberty as outlined in the Constitution of the United States. Please enjoy my blog site by clicking on the months listed to the right. They will take you through many of the issues and ideas I have; things I hope will help you as I serve you at the Arizona State Capitol.

Shod with Integrity!

Peggy Judd