"What I CARE About"
Children: The current spending by the United States Government is passing debt on to our children and grandchildren that they will never be able to repay AND Our public schools are not providing a challenging, rewarding or effective education as they struggle to juggle an unheard of number of children of illegals on their limited tax dollars (none coming from the illegal immigrant parents).
Access: to Medical Care, Education and Food needs to be provided to all deserving individuals with loving concern and fairness, especially in this difficult time and it needs to be curtailed to patrons who are abusing the system. Drug testing needs to be implemented in the case of welfare recipients and illegal immigrants should not be receiving any form of free assistance, except a ride back across the border, deep into Mexico.
Reject Reform: Health care Reform is bad news, and will break the state and ruin the health care industry. Don't ask me how because no-one can truly give you the answer (we "had to pass it to find out what was in it!") It is very bad timing for Immigration Reform with the borders so open and the gangs and drug cartels running rampant in our streets. First - Close the borders, Second - Enforce the law and remove ALL illegals who do not have proper papers to be here, and Third - Streamline the process by which Immigrants can come to Arizona legally to work or to shop and play (but make sure this process includes a check in via thumbprint or other means at the end of their allotted time). For instance, If a bus of properly documented visitors come from Mexico, through a border checkpoint, they should have to register each of the passengers and upon return to Mexico, the bus would need to contain each and every passenger who entered the country on its watch. (When I take a tour bus to a destination - I always return home.) We should expect no less from these tour companies.
Environment and Energy: This is a beautiful state, country and world! I remember years ago when people were littering the highways, public service announcements, with a crying Indian chief, cleared up the problem. We know what is best for our own property, we want to take care of our own and will as long as we have the freedom to do so. Property rights are key and over-regulation even for businesses will not protect our environment. People will always be first in environment issues, because we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Maybe a reminder is necessary but not another regulation, PLEASE!And man made global warming is a hoax, devised to make a lot of money for some key players in the farce. The world is not going to overheat for another 10 million years and when in does, it will not be our fault. I will fight for the use of fossil fuels from America, which are abundant and will put more of us to work. While it is good to look into alternatives; huge investments in getting them on the grid are just unreasonable in these tough economic times.
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