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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Governor Brewer is such a wonderful leader, she has led the way for the State Legislature to produce a landmark bill and signed it into law and now Arizona can provide help to the Federal Border Patrol Agents in a meaningful and productive way! Hooray!
President Obama, however is leading out in a movement and lawsuit to negate the problem with our borders and also to kill our law! What would possess anyone to tell someone (especially a whole state) that you have no value to me as people, we do not care if you have extra crime, drug traffic and an overburdened economy, we only care that we do not upset the other countries of the world. "Bad, Bad - lay down Arizona!" Please! Mr. President, leave us alone.
About guns: I am in support of the 2nd amendment and do not believe in registering guns any more than I believe in registering shovels or claw hammers... both can make a pretty good weapon in the right situation.
The government today is in a position and is beginning to dole out a "series of abuses" and we need to be prepared to defend our country.... today I am going to begin to learn to shoot some of the guns we have in our home. I have used a lot of bb guns, rubber band and water guns... oh yes - cap guns too.
Don't get me wrong... I am a talker, negotiator and friendly persuader - so I won't be leading any rebellion...but I will also not be caught with no real line of defense, because I neglected to learn to use the tools.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hum, Hum, Hum, Oh beautiful for spacious skies... Oh hello!

I have a challenge for each of you - write what America means to you in 100 words or less.
It helped me to focus on what was important.

Warning: Our Country is so rich and vast, that this is not as easy as it sounds.

I am proud to be an American! The Founding Fathers have given me faith to expect miracles and a footing that is sound. Freedom of religion has allowed my friends (of all faiths) and myself the power and direction from God to conduct our lives in a way where true joy and freedom is possible. Our remarkable military men and women have protected FREEDOM throughout the world and I owe them a debt, I could never repay, except by my own faith, prayers and labor to preserve this United States of America!!!