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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Peggy Judd for Arizona House in LD 25

"What I CARE About"

Children: The current spending by the United States Government is passing debt on to our children and grandchildren that they will never be able to repay AND Our public schools are not providing a challenging, rewarding or effective education as they struggle to juggle an unheard of number of children of illegals on their limited tax dollars (none coming from the illegal immigrant parents).

Access: to Medical Care, Education and Food needs to be provided to all deserving individuals with loving concern and fairness, especially in this difficult time and it needs to be curtailed to patrons who are abusing the system. Drug testing needs to be implemented in the case of welfare recipients and illegal immigrants should not be receiving any form of free assistance, except a ride back across the border, deep into Mexico.

Reject Reform: Health care Reform is bad news, and will break the state and ruin the health care industry. Don't ask me how because no-one can truly give you the answer (we "had to pass it to find out what was in it!") It is very bad timing for Immigration Reform with the borders so open and the gangs and drug cartels running rampant in our streets. First - Close the borders, Second - Enforce the law and remove ALL illegals who do not have proper papers to be here, and Third - Streamline the process by which Immigrants can come to Arizona legally to work or to shop and play (but make sure this process includes a check in via thumbprint or other means at the end of their allotted time). For instance, If a bus of properly documented visitors come from Mexico, through a border checkpoint, they should have to register each of the passengers and upon return to Mexico, the bus would need to contain each and every passenger who entered the country on its watch. (When I take a tour bus to a destination - I always return home.) We should expect no less from these tour companies.

Environment and Energy: This is a beautiful state, country and world! I remember years ago when people were littering the highways, public service announcements, with a crying Indian chief, cleared up the problem. We know what is best for our own property, we want to take care of our own and will as long as we have the freedom to do so. Property rights are key and over-regulation even for businesses will not protect our environment. People will always be first in environment issues, because we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Maybe a reminder is necessary but not another regulation, PLEASE!And man made global warming is a hoax, devised to make a lot of money for some key players in the farce. The world is not going to overheat for another 10 million years and when in does, it will not be our fault. I will fight for the use of fossil fuels from America, which are abundant and will put more of us to work. While it is good to look into alternatives; huge investments in getting them on the grid are just unreasonable in these tough economic times.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I was asked by Tucson Metropolitan Chamber or Commerce this week: What bills are you prepared to introduce if elected?

1) Education Kiosks in DES offices, with course material that must be passed: outlining proper, personal healthcare, first aid, when doctor/hospital visits are appropriate and when they are not. Along with a commitment by the applicant to conserve and use wisely the ACCCHS funds, understanding that they are not unlimited and they are temporary. ACCCHS application will not be accepted without the certificate printed on completion of this course.

2) Education Kiosks in DES offices, with course material that must be passed: Teaching proper nutrition storage and use of foods, including leftovers and not letting food spoil or go to waste. Along with this an education course on how to choose foods that are good and easy to prepare, without having to buy the expensive prepared dinners. And requiring a commitment by the applicant to conserve and use wisely the Foodstamp funds, understanding that they will not be buying candy, soda’s, and expensive specialty or prepared foods. They will be taught food stamp funds are not unlimited and they are temporary. Food assistance application will not be accepted without the certificate printed on completion of this course.

3) Implement a program to sell savings bonds for Arizona, to benefit a specific program or the state in general.

4) A measure to stop illegals from being able to apply for and receive welfare money for medical, housing and food.

5) An act to appeal to FEMA to compare the new FEMA computer generated maps to the original soil conservation survey maps and correct the gross imperfections and errors that were made during the computer generation of computer data flood zone maps throughout Arizona.

6) An appeal to allow property owners to be heard, and have enacted a protection against property valuations and subsequently taxes being raised to impractical levels based on land fraud in their area rather than reliable and prudent sales data.

7) A requirement for schools to balance the number of English Language learners in all classrooms equally with English speaking students. Clarification: In an effort not to segregate, in schools locally, I have witnessed that there will be a few rooms with almost no Spanish speaking students and then a room or two that are all Spanish speaking except for a few unfortunate (token) English speakers. This is a tragedy for those few students for obvious reasons.

8) Require the Federal Govt. reduce the number of border patrol on the streets and highways, 50 to 100 miles from the border and put them on the border fence… stationed 50 to 100 feet apart. A constant patrol on the border fence, 24 hours a day will stop the crossings and there will be little need for the BP on the interior.

Of course there are many more... ran out of room on the page.
I want to introduce bills that YOU need. Please share any ideas with me: Call 520 507-1735
or email me:

Almost Primary Election Day!

I don't have a Primary, you will see... Please select 2 and there are only 2: David Stevens and Myself. But I would like it if you voted for me. The votes will count and the numbers will show up! This is a very important Primary in CD 8 and the state as a whole. I am having a very hard time deciding who to vote for in a few of the Republican Races on Tuesday, but some are easy... Corporation Commission: Peirce and Burns
Governor: Jan Brewer (Buz is still on the Ballot)
Senate - LD 25: Gail Griffin (Just in case Craig is still showing up)
House - LD 25: David Stevens and Peggy Judd
Attorney General: Tom Horne
I reserve the right to change my mind, before Tuesday... but today:
CD 8 - House: Jonathan Paton
CD 8 - Senate: JD Hayworth
I know some of you want to strangle me for choosing those two, but I have a list of positives and negatives of all candidates in both of these races and this is the result. I know we have to have conservatives in Washington. I think these are our best choices, But let the best man win of course.
Cochise County - Clerk of the Superior Court: Mary Ellen Dunlap
Superior Court Judge: Roger Contreras

May God Bless our nation and these people we elect!
They need to win on November 2 and work to protect our rights and save our country.
It can be done and I am honored to be part of the solution!
Each of you, as you go to the polls will be part of the solution too!
Thanks for your efforts and your votes!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Border Tea Party Rally - Palominas AZ 15 Aug 2010

These people are Champions of Liberty, proud US Citizens, friends, working to preserve our freedoms with all they can muster. From the mouth of a child, "...I am 7 almost 8. Everyone, democrats and republicans, can see this fence right here is not big enough."
Make sure you click on "older post" below to see more and read about this weekend.

Updates and Photo Ops

Have had a full weekends. Beginning with meeting the governor on Friday morning. A Friday afternoon Meet and Greet with R & D Candidates from all over the State hosted by Sierra Vista Chamber of Commerce. Saturday I met with voters who are doing their job in Douglas by coming to the Cowbelles Building to listen to JD Hayworth and ask hard questions. I learned a lot and met some wonderful people... then on to Rio Rico for a nice, patio reception and speaking opportunity with over 100 guests and many candidates, re-acquaintances with some of the great folks there and many new acquaintances. This was at the beautiful Esplendor Hotel Resort. Sunday a Border Rally Tea Party was held on a ranch right on the Border. It was a lovely, but hot day, with a little over 1000 by some estimates in attendance, many news crews and Russell Pierce, AZ Senator, Author of the SB-1070 Law, who has taken the most ridicule and still believes. We all still believe in it. It is an important tool for AZ law enforcement and Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Sheriff Larry Dever spoke also to ensure us their concern for our safety and their support for this law and legislation like it to help make Arizona Stronger and Safer from Invasion. The message is clear. The border fence is not sufficient the Border Patrol are not working in the most effective manner and THERE WILL BE NO AMNESTY! This is a touchy subject with me sorry...but I really love Arizona and all of its citizens, I do look forward to serving you and I promise to be loyal and honest and fight to return to the constitution and fight for the freedom you deserve. Photos: Even though Sheriff Joe and Senator Pierce were present, I am loyal to this Cochise County Sheriff, he is working as hard as Governor Brewer to defend our border. Introducing our new Cochise County TEA Party people (loyal to them too) Wanda and Katie and last is my warm reception from Governor Brewer.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Civil Arizona Asked Me For Comments About State Spending and Jobs

Here are my Answers to

From Peggy Judd (Candidate for House LD 25)

(1) The level of state spending:
Spending increased proportionately with the explosive growth in Arizona in 2005 and 2006 however this growth has not only slowed, but Arizona's economy has taken a nose dive. We cannot allow this to go on and the current legislature worked very hard to cut the budget, but it wasn't enough. We will not be able to afford this budget, but will have to continue to turn down or shut off the faucets in many areas of state spending. I know it has been difficult on many government employees having mandatory furlough and cuts in benefits, but it is better in the long run to keep you jobs rather than to lose jobs as so many in the private sector have. Some of our rest areas, parks and recreation areas may need to remain closed and other items may fall into disrepair, but only temporarily we hope, while the economy truly recovers. Not because we pumped a lot of money in that we don't have, but because we provided funding to the businesses and organizations in this state in a manner that will encourage and grow the private industry; who, in turn, will pay taxes and spend money in the state and then fill the state coffers.

(2) The level of state revenues:
I know the state is still overspending and revenues raised by recent legislation, IE Proposition 100, will not begin to cover what it needed. I have one suggestion, that was made by a wise and thoughtful constituent and that is to initiate a Savings Bond Program. I will not ever vote to increase taxes and will work to lower corporate taxes to encourage business growth and new business, but I would like to see a voluntary program, such as Savings Bonds come into play. Arizona would not only get needed revenues, but participation in this program will instill a sense of renewed pride and ownership in the citizens. Hopefully, upon maturation, at least a small return on their investment will also be realized.

(3) Stimulating job growth:
There are too many government jobs and there is not enough private sector money coming in to pay for them. The government regulations and controls need to be lessened and then the need for additional clerks and assistants can be eliminated. I would suggest only by attrition, but eliminating the position as someone leaves and not rehiring is a non-evasive practice and just takes planning. This is opposite of job growth, I know, but it is one measure that allows for less spending to support the government. Therefore it becomes a way to pass savings to businesses as well as save them costs required for reporting, filing and regulating fees required to meet out of control government requirements.
Reducing business expenses in this way, as well as eliminating personal property taxes for business will give business more money to provide jobs. Giving them tax refunds and incentives when meeting prescribed new growth and increased hiring requirements, will provide more jobs in the private business sector. Corporations need to receive tax incentives and other advantages for moving to Arizona and Arizona needs to set a corporate tax rate that will be competitive with other western states, so we can attract these companies. We also cannot neglect our education system and our community infrastructure as well as local medical facilities. We cannot expect lower taxes, beautiful weather and sunsets alone to bring new businesses, industry and therefore jobs into our state.