Don't you just love the way this election is playing out? No? This is truly a mind boggling year, if you want to hear candidates talk about what they care about and what they intend to do to correct the serious problems facing Arizona and America. They just seem to be pointing out supposed (and usually wrong) flaws in the opponent and then skirting the issues. I am not and will not avoid the issues; I know exactly what needs to be done and pledge to get that accomplished!
We must stop wasteful spending and get Arizona back on her feet, I will promote and support responsible cuts to business taxes and regulations, allowing more people to start businesses (large and small) and more new corporations to join the Arizona Team! New jobs created, and new and returning individual taxpayers - will bring in more revenue than the "breaks" we gave to the businesses.
- Arizona Agencies/Departments/Programs need to be audited carefully for waste and neccesity. Some may need to be closed, if their purpose and mission is duplicated by another agency.
- Once AZ is living within our budget (as each of us must do at home), the excess revenues from this can be put into the private business sector to grow jobs that will hire all of our ex-state employees.
- If an agency is using funding for excess administration, benefits, or remodelling jobs - this needs to be stopped, even if it is public school. In that case, the money needs to be carefully monitored until it is safely in the classroom where it belongs.
Illegal Immigration must be stopped. In order to stop abuse, death in the desert, rape and destruction of property and even murders, we need to stop the illegals (of all nationalities) who are crossing our southern AZ border. I will work tirelessly to see that the following (and more) is put into play:
- The fence must be completed and guarded by sufficient Border Patrol and National Guard if needed. They need to have the authority to detain, deport and use their weapons if needed for their own safety and to be effective in their task.
- If illegals were all stopped at the border, check stations would become obselete and could be cleaned up and moved out and allow for the return of freedom and privacy for AZ citizens.
- Key to success of this is to STOP providing free education, medical, food and shelter to these poor folks that make it across the border. Cut them off of the free handouts and let them go back home, if that works better for them - or let them get a job and work for what they recieve, and pay their medical bills, a little every month, like American Citizens do.
- Require that parents pay taxes and have proof of such before you enroll kids in public school. Require verified citizenship or work visa (at least) papers before Medicaid and Foodstamps are given out also.
- Hospitals stop bleeding or other life threatening conditions and when stable, send them home-to Mexico if that is where their "home" is, do not treat just anything in the emergency room.